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Patricia Boozer Biography
Patricia Ann Boozer Ph.D.
Author Patricia Ann Boozer


I was born and spent the first sixteen years of my life in the segregated South. I later lived in the Midwest and then, the Northeast. Living in each region has helped to mold my personality. 


At the age of six, I began a career in business. My grandparents owned the neighborhood candy/grocery store, and I was their best employee. Why, I worked for peanuts . . . and candy . . . and potato chips!


At the age of eight, my business partner Johnny (the kid next door) and I dug a swimming pool and charged the neighborhood youth two cents to swim all day. We also hosted talent shows and showed movies with a projector. For a fee, of course.


I now have a multi-faceted foundation in training, mediation, politics, real estate, sales, accounting/bookkeeping, entrepreneurship, and working with youth and grassroots organizations. 


I am currently the owner of Pinnacle Training & Publishing where I publish books, training manuals, and train-the-trainer manuals. I also provide professional development training for staff at all organizational levels, and I have also trained and coached disadvantaged communities that seek to participate in the decision-making process within their local and statewide communities. 


I finished college as part of my mid-life crisis, and went all the way. I completed a dissertation for my doctorate entitled A Social, Cognitive, Neuroscience Observation of Racial Prejudice (2010).

I have co-authored over seventy-five in-house publications that have not yet been made available to the public (1990–2015). The publications listed below have been published for your personal and professional use. Please check our website for new publications:


Publications: Adults


  • Everyday Mediation: Train-the-Trainer Manual (2014)

  • Everyday Mediation: Student Manual (2014)


Publications: Youth


  • Youth Peer Mediation: Train-the-Trainer Manual (2011)

  • Youth Peer Mediation: Student Manual (2011)



Cool, Calm & Clever Series


The Cool, Calm & Clever Series (2014) is comprised of eight workshops in leadership skills. What is seen as cool changes from time to time, from place to place, and from generation to generation. This series helps to develop your coolness, helps you to become a cool person. This training manual defines cool, looks at the cool way, the cool dress, and identifies and discusses areas of cool street smarts, cool school smarts, and cool home smarts.


Available in both the Train-the-Trainer Manual and the Student Manual:

  • Who Is This Globally Cool Person?  It Could be You! (What is Cool)

  • Say it Out Loud!  The Cool Person Speaks Well in Groups (Public Speaking)

  • Erace-ism: The Cool Person Values Diversity (Cultural Diversity)

  • This or That? The Cool Person Seeks Alternatives (Brainstorming)

  • But I Meant! The Cool Person Says it Right the First Time (Communications)

  • Let Me Think! The Cool Person Is A Problem Solver (Situation/Problem Solving)

  • Oops! What Went Wrong? The Cool Person Always Has a Plan (Planning and Organization)

  • You Dissed Me! The Cool Person Prevents Conflict (Conflict Resolution)


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